SKylight – Stockport Homes Employment Support Team – delivers training to help individuals to increase their skills and knowledge, improve community engagement and enhance well-being.

We facilitate training in a variety of areas: employment, health & well-being and community. We also deliver employment training opportunities in growing sectors such as the care and the construction industry. We also offer computer skills training and other courses, which assist when gaining work.

Skills for Life+ Courses

Our Skills for Life + training courses are hugely popular and last year we had approx. 1,600 attendees.

Our courses range from health and wellbeing, housing and practical skills such as gardening and cooking.

Over the past few months, we’ve also used the course content to produce an extensive array of short online learning videos from health and well-being to different aspects of employment and life-skills. All videos can be found from our YouTube channel:

Training for Young People

We have a wide variety of apprenticeships, some within Stockport Homes and a number offered by our partners such as B4Box specialising in construction trainees, who help deliver construction projects on Stockport Homes’ properties.

Pathway to Employment

Join the Skylight Employment team each Friday at First House for our Pathway to Employment Service.

Every Friday – 9:00 – 14:00

First House, 367 Brinnington Rd, Brinnington, Stockport SK5 8EN

Let the team advise, guide and support you with;

  • One to One employment, training and education advice
  • Creating a CV
  • Preparing for interview
  • Completing a job application
  • Job searching

Pathway to Employment is proud to introduce new aspects of the service providing opportunities to meet local employers, learn about money saving advice and take part bitesize workshops to maximise your employability! Our service is free and supports all residents of Stockport.

Get started with SKylight

Contact our team today to find out how our Employment Support Team can help you develop new skills:

Email –

Email –

Phone – 0161 474 2862