Imposter syndrome is a real psychological impact of feeling like we don't deserve the position of responsibility we've been given.

How To Combat Imposter Syndrome

From time to time it’s common to feel like you’re struggling with work or day-to-day tasks, especially if you’re experiencing a particularly busy or stressful period. However, imposter syndrome is real and can affect anyone no matter what they’re doing at work.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to recognise imposter syndrome and combat it…

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern that fills an individual with doubt and leads them to question their accomplishments. Many working professionals suffer from imposter syndrome at least once during their careers. In the workplace, this syndrome can lead professionals to question if they belong in their role and create a fear of being exposed as a fraud.

How to recognise it?

Here are 7 strong signs that you may suffer from imposter syndrome;

  • You’re putting in 110% all the time
  • You beat yourself up for even minor mistakes
  • You constantly perceive yourself as unworthy of your position
  • You’re convinced your colleagues have it all together
  • You’re unable to accept praise or compliments
  • You’ve started neglecting self-care
  • You believe that your job or career status defines you

How to combat Imposter Syndrome?

If any of the above signs apply to you or something you know, this shouldn’t be something you sweep under the rug. Tackle it head-on using these top tips to help yourself or a friend to feel on top of the world in no time!

  • List out all your notable achievements

If you’re feeling out of your depth, reassure and remind yourself of your professional achievements. A little confidence boost can work wonders and help to get yourself back on track. Find the time to sit down and make a list of all your notable achievements and/or awards you’ve gained while in the role. 

  • Set yourself realistic targets

Instead of setting yourself big targets that will really push you to your limits, set realistic and reasonable goals that are achievable. This will act as a booster as you see yourself smashing these targets on a consistent, regular basis.

  • Know your worth

The truth is, you do deserve to be in your job! Your employer wouldn’t have hired you if they or anyone else thought otherwise. It’s important to remember your worth and the value you bring to the company and your role.

  • Talk to your manager

If your struggles with imposter syndrome are persisting even after trying all of the above, then it’s time to book a meeting with your manager. While this may seem daunting right now, if you can’t get past your struggles, your manager should be aware.

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