Once you’ve found work and started employment, it’s important to understand your rights as an employee so you are treated fairly and know what to do if something goes wrong.

From making a great impression on your first day to building positive relationships with your colleagues, our range of advisory articles will help you navigate the workplace and settle into your new job. You can also access a range of tools to learn more about key factors affecting your employment – including probationary periods, appraisals and performance reviews, redundancy, equal pay and pay rises, flexible working and temporary contracts.

If you have a legal concern about your current employment, you may find it useful to access free support from ACAS or Citizens Advice Bureau SORT.
Accepting a job offer

Accepting a job offer

Not sure how to go about accepting a job offer? We can help… Congratulations! You’ve got the job! After all your hard work in preparing for interviews and trying to impress, these are the words you’ve been waiting to hear. But what do you do next?  You probably feel relieved, excited or maybe even surprised…

Starting your new job

Starting your new job

Your first day, week or month in a new job can be understandably nerve-wrecking. Even though it’s exciting to be starting your new job, there’s lots to learn too. It can be scary and a little stressful trying to make the right first impression with your boss and your co-workers.  But don’t worry, we’ve got…

Everything you need to know about appraisals at work

Everything you need to know about appraisals at work

Time for the yearly appraisals at work? Don’t panic. Appraisals are an important part of reviewing your performance, but also about addressing anything you’re struggling with and identifying opportunities to help you develop. Whilst every company’s appraisal process will be slightly different, they usually follow the same format. Here’s what you should expect in your…

Becoming Self-Employed

Becoming Self-Employed

Starting your own business and being self-employed is an increasingly common choice. You might have a unique business idea, need flexible hours to suit your lifestyle or perhaps you’ve always dreamed of being your own boss. Whatever is motivating you to start out on your own, here’s our top tips for setting up your own…

Worried about Volunteering?

Worried about Volunteering?

Volunteering is a great way to make friends, gain experience and give something back to you community. Whilst you’re looking for work, it’s a great way to fill the time, add something worthwhile onto your CV and develop new skills. Whilst there are plenty of benefits to volunteering, some people have questions and concerns about…

Redundancy Rights

Redundancy Rights

Hearing you’re going to be made redundant is a stressful and worrying time. We help you understand the facts, what you’re entitled to and what happens during the redundancy process. You can also learn more about your redundancy rights on the ACAS website: https://www.acas.org.uk/your-rights-during-redundancy What does redundancy mean? Redundancy is a form of dismissal from…

Should I quit my job?

Should I quit my job?

We all get the Monday blues every now and then, that dreaded feeling of going into work after an enjoyable weekend spent with friends and family. But once you get over the depressing Monday morning blues, you soon get into the swing of things for the rest of the week. However, when that feeling lasts…

How to Negotiate a Pay Rise

How to Negotiate a Pay Rise

Discussing salaries, bonuses or hourly wages can be a taboo subject in the workplace. Most employees would rather talk about anything than ask their employer and negotiate a pay rise, but discussing a salary increase doesn’t have to be daunting or embarrassing! If you deserve a raise, you shouldn’t back away from having a conversation…

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