In a competitive jobs market, looking for work online can be difficult. If you’re new to online job searching, or not had to look for work before or in some time, you might not know where to start.

Here’s our a few things to know or consider about looking for work online:
  1. Do your research – before you start applying for jobs, it’s a good idea to find out what’s available. Use search engines (like Google or Bing) to research jobs in your area. Think about whether there are lots of jobs being advertised or only a few, where they are based, what salary or hourly pay they offer, and what skills and experience are needed.
  2. Set your criteria – consider what your minimum requirements are for finding a new job. This could include the working hours or shifts, pay rate, location, duties or level of responsibility. Make a checklist of what you need to see in a job ad to know whether to apply or not.
  3. Create a great CV – finally think about what you have to offer: your skills, experience and qualifications. Make sure your aspirations (what you want) match the reality (what jobs are advertised) and create a targeted CV that achieves both.
You’re now ready to start looking for work online! Use our articles below to find out more about online search techniques, navigating search engines and job boards, using key-words and how to overcome recruitment technology.
Looking for work online

Looking for work online

The internet is the world’s biggest library, newspaper, notice board and network all rolled into one. It has undoubtedly transformed the way we look for work. So if you’re new to the online job hunt or haven’t had to look for work in a while, you may find the process a little daunting. Our top…

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