Career Progression in 2024
Is 2024 the right time to make a career move? This is a highly debatable topic, after an eventful few years not only because of COVID-19 but also BREXIT, the conflict in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis creating a very unsteady jobs market intern. But what does that mean for career progression in 2024?
Those who found themselves lucky enough to be in a secure position during this time may have put their original plans to move on hold, understandably. But, with things now looking up again, when is the best time to make this transition? Well, unfortunately, there is no straight forward answer to that question. It is very much dependant on individual circumstances. It may work out perfectly for some and not so for others, so the risk element will always be apparent, pandemic or not.
The best way to navigate this decision is to analyse the pros and cons. Something we have briefly done below to make it easier for those still on the fence.
Risk of Damaging Relationships
Leaving a job is always difficult, and even more so if you have formed good relationships. And with your employer working hard to keep you on the books, it may not look the best leaving now, as organisations work towards growing the business again. Although this aspect alone should not stop you from exploring other opportunities, employers are more likely to value and reward your ongoing loyalty if you stick around when times get tough. However, if you still decide to take the plunge, try to be as accommodating as possible and leave on good terms.
You May Need be More Flexible
Flexibility is essential in the current jobs market. Expecting too much from employers may slim down your opportunities considerably, especially when there are plenty of job seekers who have been out of work for a while who are willing to secure a role for a lot less. You will also have to be more open to developing as businesses create fail-safe plans and evaluate how you will fit long-term.
The Grass is not Always Greener on the Other Side
If you are in a secure job role, it could be risky to jump ship now. Although some industries are thriving, consider that it can always appear better on the outside looking in. You might well get a better deal, but equally, it may not work out this way, and it is always a risk to be considered, even more so in a pandemic. Employers will be wanting more for less in harder times, so there is no guarantee the deal will be better. Consider all avenues first and whether there is a suitable internal move you could take.
Processes May Take Longer
Although businesses know there is a need to hire faster, with furlough extended, working for home sticking around, fewer jobs available and considerably more applicants, the process of finding a job may certainly take a lot longer than it already did. Especially in busy sectors such as essential retail, care, and logistics. So, you may have to approach your search differently from what you once did.
Fresh Starts
Well done you for navigating 2023! That alone is an achievement within itself, and many employers will congratulate those who find themselves lucky enough to be in that situation. After a hard year, it is no wonder you are looking for a fresh start, and it may be the push you needed to explore other avenues!
The Grass May Be Greener
If your employer has been struggling, those promised changes may be off the horizon for a while. Of course, as an employee, you must be patient with this to a degree. After all, it has been a hard time for everyone. So, weigh up the opportunities and when they would likely arise.
Employers May be Open to Your Resignation
As sad as it is, many businesses have had to make cutbacks to survive, resulting in the high unemployment figures we now see as a result. If your employer is still struggling and looking for ways to cut back, they may be grateful for natural departures and ensure you leave with a sufficient package during this time.
There May be More Opportunities
2024 is certainly looking up, and as teams have gotten smaller, there may be more career opportunities available as businesses plan their re-growth. The way we work has also massively changed. Employers are far more willing to hire remote recruits, even those overseas.
There is Never a Right Time
There may still be a lot of uncertainly now, but remember, nothing is ever for certain. No one is indispensable, and when you take away that security, we can see that there is far less to lose when it comes to change, and so this could be the right time after all.
If you’re thinking about career progression in 2024, our career guides might be a good place to start to learn about what’s available here in Stockport