Stockport Volunteer Hub helps community groups and voluntary organisations throughout Stockport to find volunteers.

The aim of the hub is to develop a space where local organisations and people who would like to volunteer can find out more about what is available in their community.

It helps people who would like to volunteer to find opportunities where their skills and talents would be valued.  You can let us know when you are available and what your interests are, and you will always be free to choose whether to take on any voluntary roles.

What Stockport Volunteer Hub can offer you

There are many reasons why people volunteer it may be as a way of progressing to employment or in developing career options, but there are also many other motivations such as learning, keeping active or simply helping others.

This may include progression towards employment or in developing career options, but there are also many other motivations such as learning, keeping active or simply helping others.

Whatever the motivation, volunteering is a positive and informed choice based on these principles:

  • Choice – volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual
  • Diversity – volunteering should be open to all
  • Mutual Benefit – both the volunteer and the organisation that the volunteer works with should benefit from the relationship
  • Recognition – the contribution of the volunteer should be recognised

Join The Stockport Volunteer HUB today

We aim to protect the principles of volunteering and recognise that is a factor in improving the quality of life for volunteers and the communities that they support. We believe volunteers have a freedom of choice, and that volunteering is inclusive and accessible, volunteers should never be out of pocket and the volunteering opportunity should be of good quality, meaningful and safe. We believe all volunteers should be celebrated and given recognition for the contribution they make by the organisations to which they volunteer their time.